Conférence internationale sur les monastères

L’association Abbaye royale Saint-Médard de Soissons est fière d’être partenaire de la conférence internationale sur l’organisation spatiale des monastères européens entre le 5ème et le 10ème siècle. Le Président de l’association est invité à intervenir en introduction de la conférence.

>> Consulter le programme (PDF)




The body or relics of a saint can attract divine protection on the community and the place where they are kept. If in some cases, the monasteries were structures of assistance to sanctuaries of certain notoriety, starting from the 6th -7th centuries, they increasingly played the role of protagonists, autonomously managing the devotional activities that derived from the acquisition or translation of relics.
The need to preserve the isolation of the clausura and to manage, at the same time, an increasing flow of pilgrims led these monasteries to build new spaces for prayer, communion and assistance.
The Conference will address the following themes:
- Organization of the monastic space in relation to the presence of relics and pilgrims;
- Organization of the funerary space and interaction between monks and laypeople;
- Elements of balance or clash between clausura and hospitality;
- Comparison between male and female monasteries as devotional centers.
This conference, open to all, is part of a Marie Curie Fellowship Project which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 945298, ParisRegionFP.
The event, organized by the ‘Fondazione San Bonaventura’ in collaboration with the CNRS-IRHT and the CNRS-ARTEHIS, counts on the financial support of the Italian Ministry of Culture, ‘Direzione Generale Educazione, Ricerca e Istituti Culturali’.



  • 9h30-10h – Accueil : Fr. Angelo Palumbo OFM Conv. (Guardian of San Lorenzo Maggiore), Teresa Armato (Naples Municipality Councillor for Tourism and Productive Activities), Carlo Caccavale (President of the 'Fondazione San Bonaventura')
  • 10h-10h15 – Mot de bienvenue et présentation du projet Marie-Curie : Tracing the model of Carolingian royal devotion. From texts to the materiality of sacred spaces in Saint-Médard of Soissons, Daniele Ferraiuolo (CNRS-IRHT; Università di Pavia; Fondazione San Bonaventura)
  • 10h15-10h30 – The ‘Association Abbaye Royale Saint-Médard de Soissons’: ongoing projects and future prospects, Nicolas de Schonen (Association Abbaye Royale Saint-Médard de Soissons)

Session 1 – FROM RELICS TO DEVOTION, Luigi Carlo Schiavi (Università di Pavia)

  • 10h30-10h50 – The ‘invention’ of St. Apollinaris relics in Classe: Organization of the monastic space in relation to the presence of relics and pilgrims in the Early Medieval Ravenna, Enrico Cirelli (Università di Bologna)
  • 10h50-11h10 – I parekklesia di Santa Maria de Pactano e di Santa Maria della Sperlonga: reliquie e guarigioni miracolose, Maria Rosaria Marchionibus (Universtà di Napoli ‘L’Orientale’)


  • 11h40-12h – Le tre vite di S. Saba. Storie di un monastero greco e latino sul piccolo Aventino (VI-X secolo), Giulia Bordi (Università ‘Roma Tre’)
  • 12h12h20 – Venerazione delle reliquie e spazio funerario a Napoli nell’alto medioevo: il caso del monastero di S. Gennaro fuori le mura, Carlo Ebanista (Università del Molise)
  • 12h20-12h50 – Discussion

François Bougard (CNRS-IRHT)

  • 14h40-15h – Fondation de l’abbaye de St André le Haut à Vienne sur une tombe sainte ? Anne Baud (Université Lumière Lyon 2), Anne Flammin (CNRS-ARAR)
  • 15h-15h20 – From relics to the cult of the saint. The case of Nivelles (7th-10th centuries), Philippe Mignot (Service Public de Wallonie)


  • 15h50-16h10 – Autour de la tombe de saint Walbert : architecture et espaces funéraires dans l’abbaye de Luxeuil du haut Moyen Âge, Sébastien Bully (CNRS-ARTEHIS)
  • 16h10-16h30 – Las reliquias de santos y su papel en los primeros monasterios hispanos altomedievales del reino de León (siglo X), Artemio Manuel Martínez Tejera (Institut de Recerca Històrica, Universitat de Girona)
  • 16h30-17h – Discussion




  • 10h-10h20 – Saint-Germain d’Auxerre, pratiques dévotionnelles et pèlerinages Ve-XIe siècles, Christian Sapin (CNRS-ARTEHIS)
  • 10h20-10h40 – Réflexions sur le rapport entre pratiques dévotionnelles et aménagements spatiaux durant le haut Moyen Âge à partir de quelques monastères du nord de l’Aquitaine (France), Brigitte Boissavit-Camus (CNRS-ARSCAN)
  • 10h40-11h – La venerazione di santi e reliquie nei monasteri altomedievali dell'Italia settentrionale: dispositivi liturgici e organizzazione degli spazi cultuali Eleonora Destefanis (Università del Piemonte Orientale)


  • 11h30-11h50 – ‘Deviant’ devotional practices in male and female monasteries of Merovingian Gaul, Anne-Marie Helvétius (Université Paris 8)
  • 11h50-12h10 – Monasteri e strutture d’accoglienza nella Francia merovingia. Il ruolo delle donne alla luce delle fonti agiografiche Ilenia Gentile, Simone Schiavone (Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana)
  • 12h10-12h30 – Female Monasticism in Late Antique Hispania: Who, Where, How? Jordina Sales Carbonell, Marta Sancho i Planas (Universitat de Barcelona) ,
  • 12h30-13h – Discussion

Carlo Ebanista (Università del Molise)

  • 14h-14h20 – The Carolingian monastery of Fulda: origins, spatial articulation and monastic economy, Thomas Kind (Independent Researcher) Reliquary and Funerary Space at Early Irish
  • 14h20-14h40 – Monasteries: The Example of Clonmacnoise Tomás Ó Carragáin (University College Cork)


  • 16h10-16h30 – Monasteries between devotional practices and spatial organisation in South Flanders (9th-10th centuries), Adrien Bayard (Université d’Artois)
  • 16h30-16h50 – Reserved areas and reception of guests in the royal monasteries of the 7th-10th centuries, Daniele Ferraiuolo (CNRS-IHRT; Università di Pavia; Fondazione San Bonaventura)
  • 16h50-17h20 – Discussion
  • 17h20-17h50 – Conclusions, Federico Marazzi (Università ‘Suor Orsola Benincasa’ di Napoli)


This meeting represents an occasion for scientific exchange on the spatial organization of devotional activities in Early Medieval monasteries of Europe. But also an opportunity for reflection on the continuity of pilgrimage practices over the centuries. The city of Naples, a crossroads of culture and sacredness, fully expresses this connection between past and present. The conference venue will host musical interludes (Damadakà) and works by contemporary artists (Mario De Luca and Silvio Ferraiuolo) to accompany participants in discovering these aspects.

This conference, open to all, is part of a Marie Curie Fellowship Project which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 945298, ParisRegionFP. The event, organized by the ‘Fondazione San Bonaventura’ in collaboration with the CNRS-IRHT and the CNRS-ARTEHIS, counts on the financial support of the Italian Ministry of Culture, ‘Direzione Generale Educazione, Ricerca e Istituti Culturali